Indigenous manufacturing originates naturally in a region. The indigenous manufacturing model is based on individual small enterprises operating with a much smaller scale of capacity for the production of products (i.e. food, crafts) and/or services to satisfy local demands. The manufacturer is likely to become rooted, or “embedded”, in the local economy, through their specialist dependence on local skills, materials, suppliers, partner companies, research and so on.
Multi-domestic manufacturing
Within a global footprint, dispersed manufacturing sites were generally considered as having often limited international strategic contribution. In the more strategically elevated case, as “contributor” operations. In terms of the global–local trade-offs, the integration-responsiveness (IR) framework set out the competing needs for scale economies through integration and local responsiveness.
Loosely coupled ecosystem
This ecosystem is normally grouped by many suppliers with smaller manufacturers’ size, plus the network of interconnections, enable them to perfect small-lot manufacturing while iterating at incredible speed. Their operators—many former factory workers who have branched out into ownership—have mastered the ability to build high-quality products at low volumes and low cost, at extreme speed, using an eco-system of loosely coupled small to medium sized factories and individual experts.
Platform enabled ecosystem
Rather stay in a geographical region, this ecosystem takes advantage of the modern technologies and present themselves on the Internet platform. Through this way, participants become globally available.
Mini factory
Manufactory allows the manufacturer to move the mini size machinery to the exact place of need to produce product when needed. Through this way, the lead time is reduced, but the production capacity is also reduced since the machinery is in a smaller size. This model is perfect for the site where constantly require customized product with low demand but high emergency..
Portable factory
Similar to the Mini Factory, but the machinery is even smaller that can be moved around. This model is perfect for the situation where the demand is temporary and the logistics cost is high or high emergency.
Cloud-additive manufacturing
Cloud manufacturing is the concept of using manufacturing resources in a service-oriented way over the Internet. While additive manufacturing are making it possible to utilize resources ad-hoc as replacements for traditional manufacturing resources in case of spontaneous problems in the established manufacturing processes. In addition, 3D printer allows each individual can become the manufacturer.
Distributed ownership refers to an product, design or even a section of the business is owned or run jointly by stakeholders, who then share its profits and benefits. This is driven by the concept of resource utilization/utilization or also known as circular economy.
One of the distinguishable characteristics of distributed manufacturing is the capability of mass customization, which is enabled by knowledge transferring and sharing.
Distributed structure refers to the external supply network structural as well as the internal organizational structure changes that are needed in order to facilitate distributed manufacturing.
Resource sharing/utilization
In distributed manufacturing, resources will be utilized maximumly through sharing. The ownership of the resources can have multiple ways.
The ownership of the resource remains to the OEM.
The ownership of the resource can be jointly owned by multiple parties.
The ownership of the resource belongs to the 3rd party and the resources are provided as service.
New value proposition (PSS)
The product-service system (PSS), a means to enable collaborative consumption of both products and services, with the aim of pro-environmental outcomes, can provide new value proposition.
Product oriented
This is a PSS where ownership of the tangible product is transferred to the consumer, but additional services, such as maintenance contracts, are provided.
Use oriented
This is a PSS where ownership of the tangible product is retained by the service provider, who sells the functions of the product, via modified distribution and payment systems, such as sharing, pooling, and leasing.
The innovation ideas or designs of the product or services.
The innovation ideas or designs are generated from the company internally.
Supply side
The innovation ideas or designs are generated from upper stream and suppliers.
Demand side
The innovation ideas or designs are generated from down stream and customer.
The innovation ideas or designs are generated from same level partners, peers or even competitors.
Collaboration & communication
How company achieve collaboration and communication in the supply chain.
Intra-company collaboration
The necessary collaboration is majorly done within the company between different departments.
External collaboration
The necessary collaboration is done within the related external stakeholders.
Virtual supply chains
A supply chain that is connected through electronic links and characterized by its inherent flexibility to quickly adopt and adapt to changes in the business environment.
How company modify their product or service to suit a particular individual or task.
Mass customization
Batch/modular personalized products, design and fabrication in hands of producer.
Bespoke fabrication
Tailored, individualized products, design and fabrication in hands of producer.
Mass fabrication
Unique products, design and fabrication in hands of user, shared designs.
Personal fabrication
Unique products, design and fabrication in hands of user in interaction with each other.
Flexibility is defined as the speed in which the supply chain responds to changes in demand and the business environment; this is in order to either create or preserve competitive advantage.
Push production
Push production is a production strategy that is considered to be the traditional method of manufacturing. It involves each process starts work when it receives product to work on, i.e. when work is ‘pushed’ towards it. It then passes this product onto the next process, starting their production.
Pull production
A method of production control in which downstream activities signal their needs to upstream activities. Pull production strives to eliminate overproduction
Supply chain integration direction
Supply chain integration direction is related to the dominance and criticality of the linkages upstream and downstream the supply chain.
Within the company across different apartment
Toward upstream side
Technology system
Toward technology service provider side
Toward downstream side
Toward multiple direction
Geographic distribution
The level of the distribution in the manner of geography, or how close the manufacturing site to the customer.
The production process can be completed within the country of where needed.
The production process can be completed within the region of where needed.
The production process can be completed within the community of where needed.
The production process can be completed within the neighbor of where needed.
On site
The production process can be completed on site of where needed.
Physical Process flow/Reverse logistics (Sustainability)
Base on the principle of "what's light goes to the global and what's heavy stays in local", the manufacturing point get closer to the end customer. Although it increases the overall supply chain complexity, less physical/reverse logistics is needed. Hence achieve both financial and environmental sustainability.
Scotland whisky
Scotland whisky originates naturally in a region and roots in the local economy.
Car factories across globe
The car manufacturers are setting up factories across the world which close to the demand to avoid high transportation cost.
Supplier groups in Shenzhen, China
These smaller manufacturers’ size, plus their network of interconnections, enable them to perfect small-lot manufacturing while iterating at incredible speed. Their operators—many former factory workers who have branched out into ownership—have mastered the ability to build high-quality products at low volumes and low cost, at extreme speed, using an ecosystem of loosely coupled small to medium sized factories and individual experts. The result is a system that can take on the larger Shenzhen factories—and one that is extremely well suited to emerging modes of supply. The beneficiaries are any designers or brands, large or small, established or new, that want to jump in, iterate quickly and cheaply, and scale as needed to meet demand.
Open desk
The Open Desk provides a platform for the furniture designer, producer and customer to collaborate and finally achieve a triple wins situation.
Medicine factory at hospital
Hospital can employ mini factory on site to produce medicine, equipment base on prescription.
Unilever Nano Factory
Unilever Nano Factory provides the service of a mini factory in the portable container, so that the production process can actually happen in transportation or on site.
The Hubs (originally known as 3D hub) provide the service of 3D printing manufacturing parts through sharing designs directly in the cloud.