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Company information

Cloud Computing
Numerical control machines (NC)
Computer Graphics
Other technologies
Computer Networks
Real-time process control systems
Computer-aided design (CAD
Computer-aided engineering (CAE)
Sensor networks
Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM)
Wireless communication
Computer-aided process planning (CAPP)
Embedded systems
Environmental control systems
Flexible manufacturing systems (FMS)
Machine Learning
Artificial Intelligence
Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP II)
Automated material handling systems
Material requirements planning (MRP)
Bar-coding / Automatic Identification
Automated Material Handling Systems
Computer-Aided Process Planning (CAPP)
Material Requirements Planning (MRP)
Numerical Control Machines (NC)
Computer Networks
Environmental Control Systems
Computer Graphics
Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP II)
Machine Learning
Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMS)
Bar-coding / Automatic Identification
Real-Time Process Control Systems
Wireless Communication
Sensor Networks
Embedded Systems
Artificial Intelligence
Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM)
Computer-Aided Design (CAD)
Cloud Computing
Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE)

Agile data handling

Select your current company readiness for each of the sub-dimensions below.

Readiness level Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Don't Know Not Relevant
How often is operational data gathered and updated? Our data is updated ad hoc when our customers or suppliers inform us of changes. We approach our customers and suppliers when we believe our data is incorrect or out of date. We regularly analyse and communicate our data with our customers and suppliers, making changes where necessary. We do a large amount of desk based market research, ensuring we have the latest market data. We are constantly gathering and updating data via regular communication with our customers/suppliers, web scraping and extensive market research. New data is automatically added to our data storage system. Don't know Not relevant
Are you utilising the data you gather? Data often remains unutilised. Some data is utilised, but does not always influence our products and services. The majority of our data is utilised to support the development of our products and services. Data is an integral part of our business and influences all areas of our products and services. Don't know Not relevant
How often is your data incorrect? (e.g. incorrect values, missing data, out of date) Our data is incorrect more than 25% of the time. On average our data is incorrect approximately 20% of the time. On average our data is incorrect less than 5% of the time. Our data is never incorrect. Don't know Not relevant
What steps do you take to ensure your data is secure? There are no security measures in place to protect our data. Our data is password protected for internal use only. Only authorised personnel have access to our data which is password protected. All of our data is encrypted and requires security clearance for access. In the event of a breach all data would be unreadable. Don't know Not relevant
What infrastructure do you have in place for the storage and management of data? Data is stored on employee computers and is not managed. There are no backups for data. Data is stored on a central database. It is the responsibility of employees using the data to manage it effectively. Backups are created by employees where deemed necessary. Data is stored on a local server with multiple backup databases for crucial data. Data management is the responsibility of the IT team. Data is stored in the cloud with multiple backup servers. There are multiple dedicated personnel who manage the data systems. Don't know Not relevant

Select your 5 year ambition for readiness for each of the sub-dimensions below.

Readiness level Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Don't Know Not Relevant
How often is operational data gathered and updated? Our data is updated ad hoc when our customers or suppliers inform us of changes. We approach our customers and suppliers when we believe our data is incorrect or out of date. We regularly analyse and communicate our data with our customers and suppliers, making changes where necessary. We do a large amount of desk based market research, ensuring we have the latest market data. We are constantly gathering and updating data via regular communication with our customers/suppliers, web scraping and extensive market research. New data is automatically added to our data storage system. Don't know Not relevant
Are you utilising the data you gather? Data often remains unutilised. Some data is utilised, but does not always influence our products and services. The majority of our data is utilised to support the development of our products and services. Data is an integral part of our business and influences all areas of our products and services. Don't know Not relevant
How often is your data incorrect? (e.g. incorrect values, missing data, out of date) Our data is incorrect more than 25% of the time. On average our data is incorrect approximately 20% of the time. On average our data is incorrect less than 5% of the time. Our data is never incorrect. Don't know Not relevant
What steps do you take to ensure your data is secure? There are no security measures in place to protect our data. Our data is password protected for internal use only. Only authorised personnel have access to our data which is password protected. All of our data is encrypted and requires security clearance for access. In the event of a breach all data would be unreadable. Don't know Not relevant
What infrastructure do you have in place for the storage and management of data? Data is stored on employee computers and is not managed. There are no backups for data. Data is stored on a central database. It is the responsibility of employees using the data to manage it effectively. Backups are created by employees where deemed necessary. Data is stored on a local server with multiple backup databases for crucial data. Data management is the responsibility of the IT team. Data is stored in the cloud with multiple backup servers. There are multiple dedicated personnel who manage the data systems. Don't know Not relevant

Supply Chain Planning

Select your current company readiness for each of the sub-dimensions below.

Readiness level Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Don't Know Not Relevant
Are your critical suppliers able to deliver parts within a short period of time? Our critical suppliers do not have the ability to deliver earlier than one week. Our critical suppliers have the ability to deliver within a week. Our critical suppliers have the ability to deliver within 2-3 days. Our critical suppliers guarantee next day delivery. Don't know Not relevant
Do you have access to hire a range of skilled employees? Our business is in a remote location where new employees are difficult to come by. Our business is in a small town where there are a range of people willing to work, but we sometimes have to compromise on talent. Our business is in a central location close to cities and universities. New skilled talent is usually within travelling distance. We are based in a thriving area with a range of businesses and universities, which we always utilise these when looking for new talent. Don't know Not relevant
Are you able to operate and deliver on time in full (OTIF) with a wide range of customer and supplier locations? On average, we deliver OTIF less than 70% of the time. We always struggle with suppliers and customers who are not locally accessible. On average, we deliver OTIF 70%-90% of the time. We often struggle with suppliers and customers who are not locally accessible. On average, we deliver OTIF 90%-95% of the time. Location of customers and suppliers rarely causes issues. We always deliver OTIF above 95%, no matter the location of our customers and suppliers Don't know Not relevant
How do you manage your supply chain? There is no supply chain management. All supply chain processes are ad hoc. Individual business operations are responsible for their area within the supply chain. There is limited communication across the supply chain. We have a dedicated supply chain management team who govern all processes within our supply chain. The majority of our supply chain is automated. There is a dedicated team who govern the remaining manual jobs. Don't know Not relevant
How accurate is your initial forecast planning? We do not conduct forecast planning. Our initial forecast planning has a percentage error of 40% from actual demand. Our initial forecast planning has a percentage error of 30% from actual demand. Our initial forecast planning has a percentage error of 20% from actual demand. Don't know Not relevant
Can you run multiple facilities in parallel? We struggle to effectively run a single production facility. We are able to effectively run a single production facility and are beginning to run a second. We have multiple scattered production facilities. These are mostly run effectively, however we struggle during busy periods. We effectively run multiple scattered production facilities and rarely have issues. Don't know Not relevant

Select your 5 year ambition for readiness for each of the sub-dimensions below.

Readiness level Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Don't Know Not Relevant
Are your critical suppliers able to deliver parts within a short period of time? Our critical suppliers do not have the ability to deliver earlier than one week. Our critical suppliers have the ability to deliver within a week. Our critical suppliers have the ability to deliver within 2-3 days. Our critical suppliers guarantee next day delivery. Don't know Not relevant
Do you have access to hire a range of skilled employees? Our business is in a remote location where new employees are difficult to come by. Our business is in a small town where there are a range of people willing to work, but we sometimes have to compromise on talent. Our business is in a central location close to cities and universities. New skilled talent is usually within travelling distance. We are based in a thriving area with a range of businesses and universities, which we always utilise these when looking for new talent. Don't know Not relevant
Are you able to operate and deliver on time in full (OTIF) with a wide range of customer and supplier locations? On average, we deliver OTIF less than 70% of the time. We always struggle with suppliers and customers who are not locally accessible. On average, we deliver OTIF 70%-90% of the time. We often struggle with suppliers and customers who are not locally accessible. On average, we deliver OTIF 90%-95% of the time. Location of customers and suppliers rarely causes issues. We always deliver OTIF above 95%, no matter the location of our customers and suppliers Don't know Not relevant
How do you manage your supply chain? There is no supply chain management. All supply chain processes are ad hoc. Individual business operations are responsible for their area within the supply chain. There is limited communication across the supply chain. We have a dedicated supply chain management team who govern all processes within our supply chain. The majority of our supply chain is automated. There is a dedicated team who govern the remaining manual jobs. Don't know Not relevant
How accurate is your initial forecast planning? We do not conduct forecast planning. Our initial forecast planning has a percentage error of 40% from actual demand. Our initial forecast planning has a percentage error of 30% from actual demand. Our initial forecast planning has a percentage error of 20% from actual demand. Don't know Not relevant
Can you run multiple facilities in parallel? We struggle to effectively run a single production facility. We are able to effectively run a single production facility and are beginning to run a second. We have multiple scattered production facilities. These are mostly run effectively, however we struggle during busy periods. We effectively run multiple scattered production facilities and rarely have issues. Don't know Not relevant

Technology and Connectivity

Select your current company readiness for each of the sub-dimensions below.

Readiness level Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Don't Know Not Relevant
What is your commitment to Industry 4.0? (e.g. smart factories, data networks, computer driven machinery, artificial intelligence/machine learning) We have not invested in any new technology and have no plans to in the future. We want to become Industry 4.0 ready, but we have not started any implementation. We have a structured roadmap for our Industry 4.0 journey and are well on the well to becoming Industry 4.0 ready. We are Industry 4.0 ready. We are constantly investing in the latest technological advances and have a roadmap for the future which is constantly updated. Don't know Not relevant
What digital technology capabilities does your business have? The only digital capabilities we have are email and telephone, relying on manual processes for the majority of our work. Every aspect of our business has some form of digital capability, but we still rely on a large amount of manual processes. The majority of our company has advanced digital capabilities, making mundane and repetitive tasks automated. Every aspect of our company has a digital twin which mirrors the business, operational and financial processes. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning is utilised to complete some complex tasks. Don't know Not relevant
Are you actively developing digital technology capabilities? We do not invest in new digital capabilities. We invest in new digital capabilities when necessary to generate business. We have agreed capital spending on digital capabilities which aligns with our digital roadmap. A dedicated proportion of our profits are reinvested in the latest digital capabilities and we have a roadmap for future capabilities which is constantly updated. Don't know Not relevant
Are you committed to the development of your employees? We rarely develop our employees and we have very limited internal knowledge to share. We send our employees on training courses only if it is a project or customer requirement. Shared knowledge within the business is not encouraged. We encourage employees to attend business funded training courses at least twice a year. We have a large amount of knowledge within our company which we encourage to be shared. We are constantly upskilling our employees by sharing internal knowledge, paying for state of the art training courses and organising attendance at prestige conferences. Don't know Not relevant
How do you communicate data and information with your customers and suppliers? We have basic abilities to communicate data and information, such as via telephone, emails or Microsoft Teams. We have systems in place for sharing data with customers and suppliers, but these are not consolidated and can lead to confusion. We have a dedicated online platform allowing us to easily communicate data and information via a shared network. Customers and suppliers are still required to pull data manually. We have a dedicated online platform which allows us to collaborate with our customers and suppliers across all aspects of our company. All data is automatically updated and shared. Don't know Not relevant
How robust is your online network? We have a slow network speed which causes problems and we lose connection on a regular basis. We have a good network speed, but occasionally lose connection which is usually resolved within a matter of hours. We have a dedicated network server with excellent speeds and a VPN for remote working. We rarely lose connection, but this is always resolved within a matter of minutes. We have the strongest network speed available on the market. We have a dedicated network server with a VPN for remote working and a backup VPN tunnel, ensuring our connection is always maintained. Don't know Not relevant
Do you have visibility of your end to end supply chain? We have no visibility of our supply chain. We have visibility of our supply chain when we are reacting to issues with deliveries or purchases. We have a team who observe all aspects of our supply chain and proactively gather data where necessary. We rarely have issues in our supply chain. We have a digital system which proactively interacts with all aspects of our supply chain, automatically gathering data. Possible future issues are recognised before they develop and are addressed by a dedicated team. Don't know Not relevant

Select your 5 year ambition for readiness for each of the sub-dimensions below.

Readiness level Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Don't Know Not Relevant
What is your commitment to Industry 4.0? (e.g. smart factories, data networks, computer driven machinery, artificial intelligence/machine learning) We have not invested in any new technology and have no plans to in the future. We want to become Industry 4.0 ready, but we have not started any implementation. We have a structured roadmap for our Industry 4.0 journey and are well on the well to becoming Industry 4.0 ready. We are Industry 4.0 ready. We are constantly investing in the latest technological advances and have a roadmap for the future which is constantly updated. Don't know Not relevant
What digital technology capabilities does your business have? The only digital capabilities we have are email and telephone, relying on manual processes for the majority of our work. Every aspect of our business has some form of digital capability, but we still rely on a large amount of manual processes. The majority of our company has advanced digital capabilities, making mundane and repetitive tasks automated. Every aspect of our company has a digital twin which mirrors the business, operational and financial processes. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning is utilised to complete some complex tasks. Don't know Not relevant
Are you actively developing digital technology capabilities? We do not invest in new digital capabilities. We invest in new digital capabilities when necessary to generate business. We have agreed capital spending on digital capabilities which aligns with our digital roadmap. A dedicated proportion of our profits are reinvested in the latest digital capabilities and we have a roadmap for future capabilities which is constantly updated. Don't know Not relevant
Are you committed to the development of your employees? We rarely develop our employees and we have very limited internal knowledge to share. We send our employees on training courses only if it is a project or customer requirement. Shared knowledge within the business is not encouraged. We encourage employees to attend business funded training courses at least twice a year. We have a large amount of knowledge within our company which we encourage to be shared. We are constantly upskilling our employees by sharing internal knowledge, paying for state of the art training courses and organising attendance at prestige conferences. Don't know Not relevant
How do you communicate data and information with your customers and suppliers? We have basic abilities to communicate data and information, such as via telephone, emails or Microsoft Teams. We have systems in place for sharing data with customers and suppliers, but these are not consolidated and can lead to confusion. We have a dedicated online platform allowing us to easily communicate data and information via a shared network. Customers and suppliers are still required to pull data manually. We have a dedicated online platform which allows us to collaborate with our customers and suppliers across all aspects of our company. All data is automatically updated and shared. Don't know Not relevant
How robust is your online network? We have a slow network speed which causes problems and we lose connection on a regular basis. We have a good network speed, but occasionally lose connection which is usually resolved within a matter of hours. We have a dedicated network server with excellent speeds and a VPN for remote working. We rarely lose connection, but this is always resolved within a matter of minutes. We have the strongest network speed available on the market. We have a dedicated network server with a VPN for remote working and a backup VPN tunnel, ensuring our connection is always maintained. Don't know Not relevant
Do you have visibility of your end to end supply chain? We have no visibility of our supply chain. We have visibility of our supply chain when we are reacting to issues with deliveries or purchases. We have a team who observe all aspects of our supply chain and proactively gather data where necessary. We rarely have issues in our supply chain. We have a digital system which proactively interacts with all aspects of our supply chain, automatically gathering data. Possible future issues are recognised before they develop and are addressed by a dedicated team. Don't know Not relevant

Customer relationship and risk mitigation

Select your current company readiness for each of the sub-dimensions below.

Readiness level Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Don't Know Not Relevant
How intimate are your customer relationships? Our relationship with our customers is purely transactional and reactive. Interactive, supportive and cross promoting relationship with regular communication. Customers provide a platform for new products, applications, knowledge and skills. Pro-active and collaborative relationship with mutual commitment to a partnership which depends on the success of each party. Fully integrated relationship, sharing long term goals, values and commitments. Deep vested interest in customer success. Co-development and marketing opportunities for value proposition. Don't know Not relevant
What is your understanding of the markets in which your customers operate? We have no knowledge of any of our customer's markets. We are informed by our customers what is required within their markets. We have an understanding of some of our customer's markets, allowing us to be involved in new product collaborations. We have a good understanding of the majority of our customer's markets. We give valued inputs to our customers about possible gaps in their markets. We are experts in the markets which all our customers operate and we stay ahead of the game by conducting regular market research. We advise our customers on the gaps in their markets. Don't know Not relevant
How flexible are you with changing customer requirements and how quickly can you begin to implement changes? (e.g. changes to design specifications) We don't accept changes to initial requirements. If these are vital then they will be accepted with increased project charges. These disrupt all aspects of design and production. We have an understanding of some of our customer's markets, allowing us to be involved in new product collaborations. We have a good understanding of the majority of our customer's markets. We give valued inputs to our customers about possible gaps in their markets.We have a good understanding of the majority of our customer's markets. We give valued inputs to our customers about possible gaps in their markets. We embrace and encourage customer changes. We collaborate with our customers at every stage of design and production to ensure their requirements are met, sometimes raising changes of our own if we feel they could benefit our customer. Don't know Not relevant
Do you have a process for identifying and mitigating future risks to the business (i.e. COVID-19, supplier closedowns, changes in industrial policy, etc.)? Risk identification and mitigation is reactive and ad hoc. We have an operations team who oversee all shop floor processes, ensuring that it runs smoothly and adheres to our detailed processes. We rarely fall behind our planned schedules. We have a central system where employees can raise risks and mitigation plans. We are proactive with most of our risks, but we are caught out occasionally. There is a dedicated team proactively analysing all current and future risks to the business. Detailed plans and road maps are created to avoid any negative effects to the business. Don't know Not relevant
Do you have risk transfer between yourself, your customers and your suppliers? Our risks are kept internal and are not communicated with our customers and suppliers. We communicate significant risks with our customers and suppliers and ask for support or contract leniency when required. All risks are communicated to our customers and suppliers. Significant risks sometimes have mitigation and impact transferred to reduce impact to all. All risks are discussed with our customers and suppliers to decide how mitigation and impact can be shared for the benefit of all. Don't know Not relevant
Can you capture and address customer feedback and quality issues? Issues are rarely noted unless they are serious. Serious issues are rectified most of the time, however no plans are put in place to stop these from happening again. The majority of issues are raised by our quality manager at weekly meetings. These issues are usually rectified and all information will be logged in our 'lessons learned' database. The majority of issues are raised by our quality manager at weekly meetings. These issues are usually rectified and all information will be logged in our 'lessons learned' database. All issues are automatically uploaded into our central Quality Management System. These are addressed at daily quality meetings where detailed rectification plans are created and processes are updated to mitigate similar issues in the future. We have a dedicated process team. Don't know Not relevant
Do you understand and meet all necessary standards? (e.g. ISO 9000, customer standards, internal standards) We struggle to understand the standards required of our business and, therefore, often struggle to meet them. We do not hold any required legal approvals. All issues are noted by our quality manager who will raise these with the appropriate teams. Plans are put in place to rectify any issues and processes are updated to mitigate these in the future. We understand all of the standards required of our business and have implemented them within all of our processes. We have a dedicated standards manager. We understand all of the standards required of our business and have implemented them within all of our processes, along with our own stringent internal standards. We have a dedicated standards team. Don't know Not relevant

Select your 5 year ambition for readiness for each of the sub-dimensions below.

Readiness level Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Don't Know Not Relevant
How intimate are your customer relationships? Our relationship with our customers is purely transactional and reactive. Interactive, supportive and cross promoting relationship with regular communication. Customers provide a platform for new products, applications, knowledge and skills. Pro-active and collaborative relationship with mutual commitment to a partnership which depends on the success of each party. Fully integrated relationship, sharing long term goals, values and commitments. Deep vested interest in customer success. Co-development and marketing opportunities for value proposition. Don't know Not relevant
What is your understanding of the markets in which your customers operate? We have no knowledge of any of our customer's markets. We are informed by our customers what is required within their markets. We have an understanding of some of our customer's markets, allowing us to be involved in new product collaborations. We have a good understanding of the majority of our customer's markets. We give valued inputs to our customers about possible gaps in their markets. We are experts in the markets which all our customers operate and we stay ahead of the game by conducting regular market research. We advise our customers on the gaps in their markets. Don't know Not relevant
How flexible are you with changing customer requirements and how quickly can you begin to implement changes? (e.g. changes to design specifications) We don't accept changes to initial requirements. If these are vital then they will be accepted with increased project charges. These disrupt all aspects of design and production. We have an understanding of some of our customer's markets, allowing us to be involved in new product collaborations. We have a good understanding of the majority of our customer's markets. We give valued inputs to our customers about possible gaps in their markets.We have a good understanding of the majority of our customer's markets. We give valued inputs to our customers about possible gaps in their markets. We embrace and encourage customer changes. We collaborate with our customers at every stage of design and production to ensure their requirements are met, sometimes raising changes of our own if we feel they could benefit our customer. Don't know Not relevant
Do you have a process for identifying and mitigating future risks to the business (i.e. COVID-19, supplier closedowns, changes in industrial policy, etc.)? Risk identification and mitigation is reactive and ad hoc. We have an operations team who oversee all shop floor processes, ensuring that it runs smoothly and adheres to our detailed processes. We rarely fall behind our planned schedules. We have a central system where employees can raise risks and mitigation plans. We are proactive with most of our risks, but we are caught out occasionally. There is a dedicated team proactively analysing all current and future risks to the business. Detailed plans and road maps are created to avoid any negative effects to the business. Don't know Not relevant
Do you have risk transfer between yourself, your customers and your suppliers? Our risks are kept internal and are not communicated with our customers and suppliers. We communicate significant risks with our customers and suppliers and ask for support or contract leniency when required. All risks are communicated to our customers and suppliers. Significant risks sometimes have mitigation and impact transferred to reduce impact to all. All risks are discussed with our customers and suppliers to decide how mitigation and impact can be shared for the benefit of all. Don't know Not relevant
Can you capture and address customer feedback and quality issues? Issues are rarely noted unless they are serious. Serious issues are rectified most of the time, however no plans are put in place to stop these from happening again. The majority of issues are raised by our quality manager at weekly meetings. These issues are usually rectified and all information will be logged in our 'lessons learned' database. The majority of issues are raised by our quality manager at weekly meetings. These issues are usually rectified and all information will be logged in our 'lessons learned' database. All issues are automatically uploaded into our central Quality Management System. These are addressed at daily quality meetings where detailed rectification plans are created and processes are updated to mitigate similar issues in the future. We have a dedicated process team. Don't know Not relevant
Do you understand and meet all necessary standards? (e.g. ISO 9000, customer standards, internal standards) We struggle to understand the standards required of our business and, therefore, often struggle to meet them. We do not hold any required legal approvals. All issues are noted by our quality manager who will raise these with the appropriate teams. Plans are put in place to rectify any issues and processes are updated to mitigate these in the future. We understand all of the standards required of our business and have implemented them within all of our processes. We have a dedicated standards manager. We understand all of the standards required of our business and have implemented them within all of our processes, along with our own stringent internal standards. We have a dedicated standards team. Don't know Not relevant

Products and Processes

Select your current company readiness for each of the sub-dimensions below.

Readiness level Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Don't Know Not Relevant
How often do you deviate from your New Product Introduction (NPI) timeline? (e.g. design, prototyping, full-scale production) We struggle with NPI and always deviate significantly from our original timeline.We struggle with NPI and always deviate significantly from our original timeline. We understand all of the standards required of our business and have implemented them within all of our processes. We have a dedicated standards manager. We have limited experience with NPI and often deviate from our original timeline. This is rarely a significant deviation. We are experts at NPI and are usually ahead of our original NPI timeline. Don't know Not relevant
Is Continuous Improvement conducted within your company? Continuous Improvement is not conducted within our company. Continuous Improvement is an idea we strive towards, however we only improve processes when major issues are brought to our attention. Employees are rewarded for identifying areas for successful Continuous Improvement activities. These are used to improve current processes. Continuous Improvement is built into the foundations of our company vision, mission, strategy and culture. Daily quality circles are conducted where employees are encouraged to improve strategies for current processes. Don't know Not relevant
Are your manufacturing processes optimised? (e.g. Lean principles, minimal waste and inventory, value-added processes) None of our processes are optimised. We have begun the optimisation of some of our processes. The majority of our processes are optimised. All of our processes are optimised. We are constantly improving our processes, changing non-value added activities into value-added activities. Don't know Not relevant
Do you have access to necessary machinery upon customer request? We have no internal machinery and limited capital to outsource jobs externally. We have a limited selection of internal machinery. We have some available capital to outsource jobs or purchase additional machinery, but struggle with the skills required to operate more complex machinery. We have a good selection of internal machinery which meet the majority of our customer's requirements. Whenever necessary, we outsource jobs or purchase additional machinery. We rarely lack the skills required to operate more complex machinery We have a wide range of simple and complex machinery, meeting the requirements of all of our customers. Companies often approach us to outsource their own jobs due to our skill and machining capabilities. Don't know Not relevant
Are all aspects of design optimisation considered within your products? (e.g. assembly, repurposing at end of life, quality, recycling) None of our products are optimised, resulting in unnecessary components, high assembly time, higher costs and lower quality than expected by our customers. We are new to design optimisation. Some level of optimisation has been completed in a number of our products, but there is a large amount of optimisation still necessary across all of our products. We are experienced in design optimisation. The majority of our products are optimised, but there is still room for improvement. We are experts in design optimisation. All of our products are optimised across all aspects of design. Don't know Not relevant
What shop floor operations do you have in place? We have no shop floor operations in place and regularly fall behind our planned schedules. There are operations in place to ensure the shop floor meets its schedules, however there is no one to enforce these. As a result, we occasionally fall behind our planned schedules. We have an operations team who oversee all shop floor processes, ensuring that it runs smoothly and adheres to our detailed processes. We rarely fall behind our planned schedules. We run flawless production. There is a dedicated team who oversee all shop floor processes, ensuring that it always runs smoothly and adheres to our detailed processes. Don't know Not relevant

Select your 5 year ambition for readiness for each of the sub-dimensions below.

Readiness level Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Don't Know Not Relevant
How often do you deviate from your New Product Introduction (NPI) timeline? (e.g. design, prototyping, full-scale production) We struggle with NPI and always deviate significantly from our original timeline.We struggle with NPI and always deviate significantly from our original timeline. We understand all of the standards required of our business and have implemented them within all of our processes. We have a dedicated standards manager. We have limited experience with NPI and often deviate from our original timeline. This is rarely a significant deviation. We are experts at NPI and are usually ahead of our original NPI timeline. Don't know Not relevant
Is Continuous Improvement conducted within your company? Continuous Improvement is not conducted within our company. Continuous Improvement is an idea we strive towards, however we only improve processes when major issues are brought to our attention. Employees are rewarded for identifying areas for successful Continuous Improvement activities. These are used to improve current processes. Continuous Improvement is built into the foundations of our company vision, mission, strategy and culture. Daily quality circles are conducted where employees are encouraged to improve strategies for current processes. Don't know Not relevant
Are your manufacturing processes optimised? (e.g. Lean principles, minimal waste and inventory, value-added processes) None of our processes are optimised. We have begun the optimisation of some of our processes. The majority of our processes are optimised. All of our processes are optimised. We are constantly improving our processes, changing non-value added activities into value-added activities. Don't know Not relevant
Do you have access to necessary machinery upon customer request? We have no internal machinery and limited capital to outsource jobs externally. We have a limited selection of internal machinery. We have some available capital to outsource jobs or purchase additional machinery, but struggle with the skills required to operate more complex machinery. We have a good selection of internal machinery which meet the majority of our customer's requirements. Whenever necessary, we outsource jobs or purchase additional machinery. We rarely lack the skills required to operate more complex machinery We have a wide range of simple and complex machinery, meeting the requirements of all of our customers. Companies often approach us to outsource their own jobs due to our skill and machining capabilities. Don't know Not relevant
Are all aspects of design optimisation considered within your products? (e.g. assembly, repurposing at end of life, quality, recycling) None of our products are optimised, resulting in unnecessary components, high assembly time, higher costs and lower quality than expected by our customers. We are new to design optimisation. Some level of optimisation has been completed in a number of our products, but there is a large amount of optimisation still necessary across all of our products. We are experienced in design optimisation. The majority of our products are optimised, but there is still room for improvement. We are experts in design optimisation. All of our products are optimised across all aspects of design. Don't know Not relevant
What shop floor operations do you have in place? We have no shop floor operations in place and regularly fall behind our planned schedules. There are operations in place to ensure the shop floor meets its schedules, however there is no one to enforce these. As a result, we occasionally fall behind our planned schedules. We have an operations team who oversee all shop floor processes, ensuring that it runs smoothly and adheres to our detailed processes. We rarely fall behind our planned schedules. We run flawless production. There is a dedicated team who oversee all shop floor processes, ensuring that it always runs smoothly and adheres to our detailed processes. Don't know Not relevant